- Corporate
- Features
- Complete Portal Solution
- Dynamic Packaging
- XML/API Connection
- Advanced CRM
- Operation Management
- Campaign Management
- Online Hotel Connection
- Customized Designs
- Commission Management
- E-Marketing
- Functional and Creative
- Cloud Hosting
- Multi Language and Currency
- IP Based Pricing
- Easy to use CMS
- Latest Technology
- Advanced SEO
- Backoffice
- Mobile Compatibility
- Social Media Applications
- Expandability
- Google Maps
- Advanced Search and Filter
- Online Payment Processing
- For Travel Agents
- Travelaps For Hotels
- Blog
- Contact Us
- Channel Manager Login

With Online Payment Processing you will be able to receive payments from all over the world through multi-language and multi-currencies.
The most common way to get payment is online credit card processor or bank transfer but Travelaps.com accepts all major online payment methods
• checks,
• bank transfers,
• credit cards,
• PayPal
• and other secure online payment forms
We are already connected to most of the international banks and payment gateways.
All you need to do is open a bank account and enter you payment gateway credentials to payment settings.
If your bank or payment facilitator is still not on the list we are connected we will develope the interface in a very short time if those technical documents are provided.